
GenePro is an on-farm replacement program created by DanBred and is designed for herds breeding their own gilts or for herds who are looking to change from buying replacement gilts to their own on-farm production. GenePro is an ideal solution in a closed biosecure pig-farming operation that focuses on health and quality, as GenePro makes it possible to produce genetically high-quality DanBred gilts for on-farm use without having to compromise the herds’ health level.

GenePro is an on-farm replacement program created by DanBred and is designed for herds breeding their own gilts or for herds who are looking to change from buying replacement gilts to their own on-farm production. GenePro is an ideal solution in a closed biosecure pig-farming operation that focuses on health and quality, as GenePro makes it possible to produce genetically high-quality DanBred gilts for on-farm use without having to compromise the herds’ health level.

For customers: Get the most out of DanBred